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have seen some noticeable differences with the real ABC WWTBAM studio and
the Disney MGM attraction "WWTBAM Play-It!" studio.
The WWTBAM Play-It
attraction in Disney World and in Disney's California Adventure has 3
times the size for the audience of the real ABC studio in New York.
And the display screen in
which the contestant looks at for the question, the one on the Play It set
is a bit smaller than the one in the ABC NY studio. Also you can see a
very large display to the right of the host, as you can see below,
for the audience can see the contestant's reactions to the questions and
(Top and Bottom Pics)
Also the main lights that go
down after every question, there are 2 more than the real set of ABC. In
the studio in NY there are 3 on each side and in the Play It studio there
are 3 also on each side but 2 more above them on each side. Also
there are more lights in the Play- It studio around the audience area and
in the 2 smaller lights in the middle of the play it set.
The ABC NY studio has a bit
sleeker and cleaner look than the Disney Play-Play it sets.
Studio- Kathleen Swanekam and Regis
Same in both studios, both
have the screen of fake money.
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